Police Accountability Report, hosted by Taya Graham and Stephen Janis, is a weekly show that seeks to expose and hold to account one of the most powerful institutions in this country—the police.
The show shines a critical light on all facets of American policing, exploring the systemic and political imperatives that put law enforcement at odds with the communities they purport to serve.
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New Body Cam footage exposes police tasing Wisconsin man for minor traffic infraction
The shocking footage, which shows Wisconsin cops using a taser on a young Doordash delivery driver during a traffic stop, demonstrates how capriciously police wield their authority and how brutally they maintain their monopoly on the use of force.
Recent episodes

Controversial Colorado cop watcher who prompted groundbreaking legal precedent indicted federally
Already serving a 12-year sentence in Colorado, First Amendment activist Eric Brandt now faces unexpected federal charges handed down at the most inopportune time.

Cops tried to arrest a whole neighborhood. This is what happened when the community fought back.
Body camera footage shows former Police Sgt. Ethan Newberg escalating from one to three illegal arrests, targeting bystanders who dared to call out his abuse.

Texas Sheriffs relentlessly ticket DoorDasher, leaving him thousands in debt, barely able to work
Texas Sheriffs’ questionable arrest of a Kerrville DoorDash driver exposes how the state’s Drivers Responsibility Act pushed countless people into a debt spiral.

Baltimore Police Sgt. Ethan Newberg faces no jail time despite damning video evidence
Footage shows 12 police officers arresting a single man on Sgt. Newberg’s orders.

New video shows illegal arrest by disgraced Baltimore cop Ethan Newberg
Body camera footage of one of Sgt. Newberg’s known nine illegal arrests shows him not only threatening an intervening bystander, but attempting to get the man fired.

Washington state trooper crashes car, attempts to pin fake DUI on innocent driver
In a special holiday livestream, Police Accountability Report looks at multiple incidents of police overreach and abuse around the country.

Video shows Washington cops corner man parked in his driveway—for a traffic stop
A 911 call about donuts left a Bellingham man trapped in his own driveway by local police, who kept looking for new reasons to question him.

Arkansas police arrest man for a traffic violation in his own driveway
The ordeal has left a Greenbrier, Arkansas, man without the $30,000 vehicle he depends on for his livelihood.

Oklahoma cop grabs Indigenous grandmother for not walking on a sidewalk
Shawnee police officer Anthony Starkey has been caught on video threatening a woman and her grandson with arrest and assault for not walking on a sidewalk—despite the fact that one wasn’t available.

Body cam reveals Texas police raid home, arrest entire family, over alleged noise complaint
A noise complaint spiraled into an armed raid of a Childress, TX, family’s home when local police decided to arrest the entire family—without a warrant.

They were already facing eviction. Then Texas cops made everything worse.
A Grayson County couple’s run-in with Dennison police inexplicably escalated from a traffic stop to a resisting arrest charge, an injury, and another financial burden at the worst time possible.

Cops cuffed her for failing to signal, but a camera turned their plan upside down
A Texas mom was arrested under questionable circumstances. Two years later, the same cop targeted her for arrest again.

Colorado cops targeted victims, not attackers with excessive force
When Fort Collins police arrived at the scene where a woman had been attacked, they pepper sprayed her boyfriend instead of searching for the men responsible for harming her.

He was a cop. She was his girlfriend. He lied to force her into a psych ward.
In a shocking video, Ronald K. Davis, a Pennsylvania State Trooper, grapples his ex-girlfriend Michelle Perfanov to the ground. Davis has since been charged with multiple crimes.

Police are trying to limit the public’s right to film them, so cop watchers have shifted the battlefield
As legal challenges mount for cop watchers, many are now taking up lawsuits to defend free speech and citizen journalism. The result is a more complex legal terrain for cop watching than ever before.

Video shows South Bend police targeting cop watchers with new Indiana law
An Indiana cop watcher was accosted by police while walking down a public sidewalk filming with a cell phone camera. The encounter took a strange twist when police tried to give him a ticket for exercising his 1st amendment rights.

Cop watchers are being targeted by police, but they’re not going down without a fight
The Battousai and James Freeman join Police Accountability Report to discuss recent attempts to make cop watching illegal.

LA County sheriffs keep pulling people over for bogus reasons. This time they got caught
The LA County Sheriff’s Department has been cited by the ACLU for making thousands of unnecessary stops while ignoring calls for service. But a recent stop of motorists they accused of having tinted windows didn’t go as planned.

Texas Sheriffs fought to keep this body cam footage secret, now we know why
Body camera footage hidden for over a year reveals how sheriffs in Laredo, Texas, severed a man’s leg during an arrest.

Cuffed for creativity: Texas chalk artist’s arrest triggers First Amendment dispute
San Antonio-area chalk artist Joshua Hinson’s community art project was abruptly interrupted when Leon Valley police officers accused him of graffiti.

Baltimore’s unsolved trash chute deaths: Police interview unveils disturbing sleepwalking theory
A previously unreleased police interview with the last person to see Emily Hauze alive reveals crucial information about the investigation.

Do you know your rights? What to do if cops stop, search, or arrest you unjustly
Cop watchers James Madison and James Freeman explain how to fight unjust police stops, searches, and arrests.

Texas Sheriffs bent the law to reinstate sketchy DUI charges that ended a firefighter’s career
An ongoing PAR investigation has revealed the Denton County Sheriff’s Office tried to restart a case against a former Dallas Firefighter by submitting evidence after charges had been dropped.

Cops tried to slap him with a pricey ticket, but he turned the tables on them
Arkansas police were in for a surprise when an informed resident used his knowledge of local ordinances to push back on their attempt to penalize him.

A parked car. A Nebraska cop. And his unexpected break-in?
A man’s nature walk near Plattsmouth, NE, took an unexpected turn when police pulled him over—and then told him they’d searched his parked car.
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